
Air Plants Dust Extraction have over 125 years of experience in dust extraction products

Contact us to book your dust extraction service, filter sleeve inspection or LEV test.

We have a large stock of high-quality industrial filter cartridges and bags for our old and new range of filter units. In addition, we also offer original filters and spares parts for all other makes of dust control systems.

Our experienced advisors are on hand to help you find the dust extraction spares you need and to answer any questions you have about spares, services or products.

Where possible, providing details of the make and model of the filter and part number of the item will enable us to provide a quote.

Get in touch with us at to order your extraction bags and spare parts today.

COSHH & LEV Testing | Air Plants Dust Extraction

Air Plants Can Supply:

  • Cartridge Filters
  • Filter Bags
  • Panel Filters for Dry Back Spray Booths
  • Sequence and DP Cleaning Controllers
  • Diaphragm Pulse Valves
  • DP Pressure Gauges
  • Fasteners, Gaskets, etc.

Book Your Service

Fill out the form and we will contact you to book your service with our expert technicians.

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